Dental Implant Restorations

Once your implant post has been placed, our dentists will provide you with an implant restoration. This restoration will cap the post to finish restoring your smile and replacing your missing tooth or teeth. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Greg Simon and Dr. David Riggs and learn more about dental implant restorations in Conway, Arkansas, contact Dental Solutions of Central Arkansas, P.A. today at 501-327-2586.

Dental implant restorations offer a transformative solution for those who have lost a tooth due to injury, decay or other dental issues. These restorations play a pivotal role in completing the implant process, ensuring that your new tooth not only functions flawlessly but also blends seamlessly with your natural smile.

Our experienced dentists and team understand that dental implants are more than just a cosmetic fix; they are a functional necessity. The implant restoration, which is the final phase of the procedure, brings together the implanted post and the visible crown of your tooth.

The initial step in this process is the placement of the implant post, which is carefully integrated into your jawbone. This post mimics the function of your natural tooth root, providing unparalleled stability and preventing bone loss in the jaw. Once the implant has fully fused with your bone, our experienced dentists will work closely with you to determine the ideal restoration.

The type of implant restoration required varies based on the number of teeth missing and your specific dental needs. For a single missing tooth, a custom-designed crown is typically recommended. In cases of multiple missing teeth, options include dental bridges or complete or partial dentures, depending on the extent of tooth loss.

Our commitment to your oral health and smile means that each implant restoration we craft is meticulously designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and durable. This ensures that you enjoy the benefits of your implant for many years to come, with a restoration that not only feels natural but also looks fantastic.

We welcome you to contact our office today for more information about dental implant restorations and to make an appointment with our dentists. We are here to provide you with comprehensive information, answer your questions and help you embark on the journey toward a healthier, more confident smile.